Leadership effectiveness, perceived organizational support and work ability: Mediating role of job satisfaction


Department of Industrial and Oganizational Psychology, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Iran


Present study tested a model consisting work ability as dependent variable and leadership effectiveness and perceived organizational support as independent variable, with job satisfaction as its mediator. Data were gathered from a sample of 330 employees of an industrial organization in Iran, who were selected by stratified random sampling method. Of this sample, 72 percent were men and average age was 41 years. Fitness of the proposed model was examined through structural equation modeling (SEM), using SPSS-16 and AMOS-16 software packages. The indirect effects were tested using the bootstrap procedure in Preacher and Hayes (2008) SPSS Macro program for mediation. Findings indicated that the proposed model fit the data. Better fit and more meaningful results obtained by adding 1 paths and using AMOS modification indices. The results supported components of the proposed model, in that leadership effectiveness and perceived organizational support predicted job satisfaction, which in turn predicted work ability index. In addition, job satisfaction fully mediated these relationships. Discussion and implications of the results are presented in the study.


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