Effect of assignments emotional content on explicit and implicit memory function of students



Introduction: This study investigated the effects of affective content of tasks on explicit and implicit memory function of students, in order to examine the difference in effect of pleasure and unpleasure events on memory.Method: This is an experimental study with random selection of 90 university students that was conducted individually. Each subject received one task with positive, inactive and negative affective contents. Then, the rates of affective tasks recall measured using two methods for evaluation of explicit & implicit memory.Results:  Affective content tasks (positive, negative, inactive) had different effects on explicit and implicit memory function. Explicit memory had the best function associated with positive affective content tasks and the minimum memory function in negative task. Implicit memory function in both positive and negative affective tasks was better than inactive task.Conclusion: Explicit memory has the highest efficiency for positive and pleasant affective issues the lowest rate of efficiency is due to unpleasant and negative affective issues. In implicit memory, affective issues, being pleasant (positive) or unpleasant (negative), lead to better memorization of information, but inactive content has the minimum amount of influence on implicit memory.
