Development and Validation of the Academic Mindfulness Questionnaire in Iranian Students (AMQ-5): The Formation of a Concept

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Psychology, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran



Introduction: Although different tools have been designed to measure mindfulness, none has comprehensively examined academic mindfulness. Therefore, the present study aimed to build a reliable and valid tool for academic mindfulness measurement in students.
Method: The research was a descriptive-correlational study and a validation of the test. Participants included 420 students of Bu-Ali Sina University in the academic year of 2022-2023, selected by multistage cluster random sampling method and completed the Academic Mindfulness Questionnaire (AMQ-5), Fear of Self-compassion Scale, and Academic Engagement Questionnaire. Data were analyzed using exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis.
Results: Examination of the data by exploratory factor analysis showed that all 20 items had acceptable factor loads and revealed five factors (self-compassion, accepting without judgment, presence in the moment, performing tasks with awareness, and listening with full attention). Moreover, according to the confirmatory factor analysis, the questionnaire had an acceptable fit (RMSEA=0.047, ­ AGFI=0.91, NFI=0.96, CFI=0.98). The findings showed that academic mindfulness was significantly correlated with fear of self-compassion and academic engagement. Moreover, Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 0.89.
Conclusion: According to the findings of the present study, it can be concluded that the academic mindfulness questionnaire has a good validity and reliability and can effectively measure academic mindfulness in the five factors mentioned.


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