The Effectiveness of Unified Protocols for Trans-diagnostic Treatment on Increasing the Emotional, Social, and Educational Adjustment of Bilingual Adolescent Female Students

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Psychology, Faculty of Psychology and Education, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Introduction: Adjustment is defined as a process by which a person tries to cope with life challenges using different techniques and strategies, and by this means balances his/her different needs with environmental obstacles. The present research was conducted to determine the effectiveness of the Unified Protocols for Trans-diagnostic Treatment on adjustment, in bilingual junior high school students. The Unified Protocols for Trans-diagnostic Treatment of Emotional Disorders in Adolescents was used for this purpose which involved parents and students in the intervention.
Method: The statistical population of this study included bilingual students studying in the secondary section of Tehran International School in the academic year of 2021-2022. A Sample of 30 students of the school was selected in purposive method, and then they were randomly divided into two groups of 15 students (experimental and control groups). The research method was semi-experimental with a pre-test, post-test, and follow-up test design, which was implemented for both experimental and control groups. Between the pre-test and post-test, only the experimental group received family-centered psycho-education based on emotion regulation(15 two-hour sessions for students and four one-hour sessions for parents). The Adjustment Inventory for School Students by Sinha and Singh (1993) was used to collect data. The collected data was analyzed using a mixed variance analysis with repeated measures.
Result: The findings showed that the scores of adjustment of the students in the two groups had a significant difference in post-test and follow-up test compared to the pre-test (p < 0.05).
Conclusion: According to findings, family-centered psycho-education based on emotion regulation has been proven to be effective in increasing students' adjustment.  


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