Boredom Mediates the Relationship between Depression Symptoms and Compulsive Buying Behavior among Female Adolescents

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Psychology, Lorestan University, Khorramabad, Iran


Introduction: Research has found that psychopathology is positively associated with abnormal buying behavior. Nevertheless, it is required to further investigate internal mechanisms underlying this relationship. The current study aimed to examine the mediating role of boredom in the relationship between depression symptoms and compulsive buying behavior.
Method: The research design was descriptive – correlational. From the female high school students’ population of Nourabad in the academic year of 2019, a total of 239 participants were selected using multistage cluster sampling and were tested by the Multidimensional State Boredom Scale, Richmond Compulsive Buying Scale, and Beck Depression Inventory- II .To analyze the data, path analysis were conducted.
Results: The results showed that direct effect of depression symptoms on compulsive buying behavior were significantly positive. Also, results showed that the mediating role of boredom in the relationship between depression symptoms and compulsive buying behavior was significant.
Conclusion: Based on the findings, it can be concluded that depression and boredom are two important factors affecting female students’ compulsive buying behavior. So, these findings highlighted the critical role of early intervention for compulsive buying behavior with a focus on those with depression symptoms and boredom.


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