The Role of Affective Family Atmosphere, School Atmosphere and Perceived Social Support in Predicting Aggressive Behavior and Addiction Readiness among Students

Document Type : Original Article


Psychology Department, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran.



Introduction: The present study aimed to investigate the role of affective family atmosphere, school atmosphere, and perceived social support on predicting aggressive behavior and addiction readiness in students.
Method: The research method was descriptive-correlational with a structural equation modeling. The statistical population consisted of all second grade high school students in Tehran studying during the academic year 2017-2018. A total number of 485 samples were selected randomly by multi-stage cluster sampling method. The data analysis was conducted by EMOS software ver.24 and SPSS ver.25.
Results: Full effect of affective family atmosphere on aggressive behavior was significant and this readiness had a direct and significant effect on addiction readiness. Investigations of school atmosphere on addiction readiness and aggressive behavior showed a complete and significant direct effect between these variables. Also, the direct effect of perceived social support on aggressive behavior showed to be complete and insignificant. There was no direct and complete direct effect of perceived social support on addiction readiness.

Conclusion: Based on the findings of this study, affective family atmosphere and school atmosphere can predict aggressive behavior and addiction readiness among students


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