Simple and Multiple Correlations of Motivational Strategies with Academic Performance of English Language


1 Department of Educational Psychology, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran

2 Department of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Allameh Tabatabaei University, Tehran, Iran


 Abstract Introduction:The aim of present study was the investigation of simple and multiple correlations of motivational strategies (self-efficacy, achievement goals and test anxiety) with English language academic performance. Methods:For this purpose, 296 pre university students (139 girls and 157 boys) were selected by clustery random sampling and motivational strategies and achievement goals answered by selected sample. For analyzing of data Pearson correlation and multiple regression analysis were run.Results: The results showed variables namely, self-efficacy, mastery-oriented achievement goals, were correlated with English language scores, positively; and variable namely: test anxiety, and avoidance of performance were correlated with English language scores, negatively. Also, there isn’t significant correlation between avoidance of mastery and English language academic performance. The result of multiple regression analysis indicated that 26% of variance of English language score explained by self-efficacy, mastery achievement goals and test anxiety. Conclusion: Ultimately, it can be said, self-efficacy, mastery achievement goals and test anxiety are more effective variables on English language academic performance and they can improve the scores of English language.    


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