Prediction of self-destruction based on depression symptom, internalized self-criticism, shame and guilt, and differences between men and women


1 Tarbiat Modares University, PhD student of psychology

2 Tarbiat Modares University

3 Shahid Beheshti University

4 Medical Science of Islamic Azad University


Abstract Introduction: Psychological theories and literature have confirmed self-destructiveness patterns in human beings. Chronic self-destructiveness has been defined as a tendency to behaviors that increase negative consequences and decrease potential success in the future. The aim of this study was to investigate prediction of chronic self-destructiveness based on the depression symptoms, internalized self-criticism, shame and guilt, and sex differences in this area. Method: Hundred and six under-graduate students (59 women and 47 men) of Tehran University responded to questionnaires, in convenience sampling. The Chronic Self-Destructiveness Scale (CSDS), Personal Feeling Questionnaire (PFQ), Levels of Self-Criticism Scale (LSCS) and Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) were used. Data analysis was performed using Pearson correlation coefficients and standard multiple regression. Results: Data showed that depression could predict self-destructiveness in both sex. According to expect, after adding internalized self-criticism in the next step, the role of depression decreased in predicting of self-destructiveness, but internalized self-destructiveness could predict self-destructiveness beyond the depression, only in men. In the next step, after adding guilt and shame subscales in the equation, guilt could predict self-destructiveness, beyond other variables in women, and in men, internalized self-criticism could predict self-destructiveness better than other variables. Conclusion: Our findings affirmed that self-destructiveness could be predicted by depression, internalized self-criticism and guilt. Internalized self-criticism and guilt could predict self-destructiveness, beyond other variables, in men and women respectively.Keywords: chronic self-destruction; sex differences; internalized self-criticism; guilt; prediction.


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