The Character Strengths Predictive of Responsibility in Adolescents

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Psychology, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran



Introduction: strengths are positive traits in feelings, thoughts, and behaviors that contribute to good character. Character strengths play a major role in enhancing responsibility in adolescents.
Method: The purpose of this study was to determine the character strengths predictive of responsibility in adolescents. The research method was correlation and the statistical population included ninth grade adolescent students. Statistical sample consisting of 417 students (213 girls and 204 boys) were selected by cluster sampling. Students responded to the Values in Action Inventory of Strength Scale of Park and Peterson and Nemati's Responsibility questionnaire. Data were analyzed using multiple regression method.
Results: The results showed that the strengths of perseverance, honesty, kindness, leadership, prudence, self-regulation, gratitude and humor in girls and boys predict responsibility. In addition, curiosity, perspective, zest, love, and appreciation of beauty and excellence in boys also presuppose responsibility (P≤ 0/001).
Conclusion: According to the findings of this study it can be stated that some strengths predict responsibility in adolescents which can be considered in strengths’ programs and interventions.


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