Parental Psychological Control, Big Five Personality and Difficulties in Emotion Regulation among Adolescents

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Psychology , Jamia Millia Islamia , New Delhi , INDIA


Introduction: The study aims to examine the big five personality (Dimensions) as a mediator between Parental Psychological Control (PPC) and Difficulties in Emotion Regulation (DER). It was also researched that child characteristics moderate the effects of parenting outcomes.
Method: Three hundred adolescents studying in different schools in Delhi were selected based on the random sampling technique. Three scales, namely Psychological Control Scale—Youth Self-Report (PCS-YSR), Big Five Inventory (BFI), and Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale Short Form (DERS-SF) were administered. A dichotomous independent variable (named X1) was used in the research where PPC was divided into two groups 'Both High' group VS 'Others'.
Results: Obtained scores were analyzed by using Parallel mediation analysis through PROCESS macro version 3.2.01 for SPSS created by Hayes in 2018. Results of the mediational analysis revealed that X1(Both High vs. Others) significantly predicted neuroticism, and X1, neuroticism, and openness significantly predicted DER. Total effect (c=3.78, p<.05) and direct effect (c=2.73, p<.05) were found to be significant. Indirect effects were obtained by the Bootstrapping method. Findings revealed a specific indirect effect of neuroticism to be significant (coeff. =.1075; LLCI-ULCI= .0077 to.2102).
Conclusion: Neuroticism significantly mediates the relationship between emotion regulation and PPC. It is necessary to incorporate both individual and environmental factors to understand emotional development processes. It is therefore suggested to develop interventions that not only helps adolescents to learn effective ways to regulate emotions but to also guide parents to cater to the child's emotional needs effectually.


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