The Role of Attachment, Family Cohesion, and Adaptability in the Prediction of Resilience

Document Type : Original Article


1 Behavioral Sciences Research Center, Life Style Institute, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

2 Neuroscience Research Center, Baqyiatallah University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

3 Department of Psychology, Shahid Beheshti University, Teharn, Iran


Introduction: This study investigated the role of attachment, family cohesion, and adaptability in the formation of resilience in students.
Method: In this study, 200 students (132 women) and (66 men) were selected by multi-stage cluster sampling. Research instruments included questionnaires of Attachment Styles (AAS), Resilience and Family Adaptability and Cohesion-Evaluating Scales (FACES-II  ). Data analysis was performed using Pearson correlation coefficients and simultaneous regression.
Results: The results of the correlation matrix were demonstrative of a noteworthy positive relationship between the secure attachment style and resilience (ρ<0.001).There was a significant negative relationship between the ambivalent attachment style and resilience and there was a significant negative relationship between family union and resilience (ρ<0.01). The consequences of multiple regressions uncovered that perfect family union; family union and secure attachment style anticipated 22% of resilience difference. Secure connection and perfect family attachment were significant positive indicators (ρ<0.01), while family union was a noteworthy negative indicator (ρ < 0.01) for resilience.
Conclusion: Due to the importance of family cohesion and adaptability of family resilience, it is necessary to take steps to improve the quality of family relationships. On the other hand, given that resilience is very effective in improving mental health, so resiliency can be increased by holding training courses.


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