The Role of Mindfulness and Emotional Regulation in Predicting Depression and Anxiety in University Students


1 PhD in Psychology, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Literature and Human Science, Arak University, Arak, Iran

2 PhD in Cognitive Psychology, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Literature and Human Science, Arak University, Arak, Iran


AbstractIntroduction: The present study aimed to investigate the role of mindfulness and emotional regulation in predicting depression and anxiety in university students.Methods: The study uses a descriptive-correlative design. For this purpose, 373 students were selected through random cluster sampling from the Arak University (185 males and 188 females). They were asked to answer to the five facet mindfulness questionnaires, the emotional regulation scales, as well as the depression, anxiety and stress questionnaire. Then, the correlation and regression analyses were employed.Results: The results showed that re-evaluation, as one of the components of the emotional regulation and mindfulness, had a significant negative correlation with depression and anxiety. In addition, the suppression of other emotional regulation components had a significant positive correlation with depression and anxiety. The results of the regression analysis indicated that mindfulness and emotional regulation could predict depression and anxiety in the university students.Conclusion: In general, it is suggested that mindfulness and emotional regulation are important psychological factors in predicting depression and anxiety in university students.


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